Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Beacon House Project

First I must say, this project would not have such a great success if it had not been for the donations.  Wendy and Gena stepped up and donated so much, each woman at house got their own bag of goodies thanks to these ladies!  It included sissors, colored pencils, sharpies, washi tapes, glue sticks, pens , pencils and many more little goodies!  And another shout out to them and a few others who handmade and donated journals.  Each and everyone of them was a work of art in themselves and they all found the perfect owners.. it was simply amazing to watch how that worked out.  So thank you all from bottom of our hearts!  We could not do it without you! 
It is really hard to put into words about my experience.  I would say, I was rewarded far more than the women at Beacon.  They honestly felt special and that people did think of them.  They poured over the journals, showing each other pages, quotes, little hidden things in the journals.  Nobody had to tell them to say Thank You.. they were extremely thankful and grateful!  They expressed that throughout the whole afternoon. 
I was told it was a diverse group.. and diverse it was, which made it fun!  The ages ranged from young twenty’s to mid fifty’s.  The range of art skill ranged as well.  One girl thanked me a lot, she had been in art and gotten away from for 6 years and she said this was exactly what she needed.. the push, the supplies to get back into it.  Another one has her portfolio almost ready to submit to a college.  A few never really picked up a paintbrush and were amazed at what they created!  We came up with a great saying.. you know those ooppss pages.. we all make?  Well we went from ooppss to awww.  In 30 seconds!  So there really are no mistakes!
They have already sent me / us a Thank You note.  And, the house manager told me this: “This is such a wonderful project! When I went to a staff meeting at Beacon House this week I noticed a few new journals had been created! Would it be possible for you to forward a picture to my email? I would like to sing your praises to my bosses”
The same staff member works at their domestic violence center.  She took Patricia Campbell’s little kids journal idea and helped some of the children of that center create.  This was her comment : “I made the children's scrap books at the DV Shelter- they were a HUGE hit! great for keeping little hands busy”
So they are already PAYING IT FORWARD.  And, that’s what this is all about!  Thanks to Wendy and Gena, who also donated blank composition books, some of the women are going to make their kids or family members some art journals for Christmas gifts. 
I can’t tell you how much it warmed my heart!  There is nothing like it!  I am sure we will keep in touch and hopefully work with them in the future.  They are also a non profit.  They are run on donations, grants and fundraisers.  If you are so incline, you can find them at : http://www.libertycenterconnections.org/.

Everything and every person there is confidential, so I could not get pictures of the women, but I did get some shots of our table and some of work.  As you can see, they got creative with the jelli plate!  I was amazed!  The pink journal page, I worked with a women who has never really painted, and we spread 2 shades of pink on with an old gift card.  She ran upstairs to get a special note card to add to her page.  They got a break from their daily life as well as myself.  They were open to learning and creating and I could not have asked any more! 

I hope stories like this inspire you to create, to donate, even 5.00 helps us help them and the rewards are so much bigger than 5.00!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

PanPastel/Soft Pastel Review

Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoying the last few weeks of summer. I know I am trying to. The past few weeks I have really jumped in and started working with PanPastels. I saw that Donna Downey had a few beginner PanPastel classes so that's where I started. There were so many colors to choose from so I chose to start with one of her starter pallets that she has for sale on her website. Donna's Shop I have included her shop link incase any of you are interested in going and looking at her classes and products that she offers. You won't be disappointed.

I think the thing I love the most about these is that I can take them anywhere and use them. As you can see the PanPastels come in a cake like form. I would compare it to makeup powder in a compact. There are multiple ways to apply these to your background but the easiest is with a spongelike device. The darker the color the more you dip and wipe onto your paper. It is just as easy to add another color and waaa-laaa they blend together beautifully. I recommend checking out a class from Donna in order to fully understand how they work on different types of paper. Each background they are applied to gives you a different look. Here is an example of a background I did on a get well card. The lady it was made for loves the color orange and I didn't have an orange. So I took red and yellow and this beautiful background took shape.

In order to get the detail in the sunflower I went down to Dickblick and bought Primsacolor's  NuPastels. These look like a crayon and are a soft pastel. You can buy these as a package deal or individually. The package deal starts at $5.60 and goes up to $75.55 at Dickblicks. You can buy them individually for as little as $0.99. There are 96 colors to choose from.  As you can see the black outlining worked wonderfully. Another great thing about these is the fact that you can add water just like you do watercolors and you get a completely different effect. So far the possibilities seem endless. Once you are all done you need to use a spray fixadent so that the pastels stay put. If not it wipes off similar to chalk does if you touch a chalkboard. 

I find these so easy to work with I have a basket that I take out to my living room couch and work while I'm with my kids running around. I am not a pro by any means but I feel that out of all of the mediums I have ever tried this is by far my favorite. I would encourage anyone to pick them up and give them a try. I will add the links to Donna Downey's website along with Dickblicks for the Nupastels. Donna is a wonderful teacher, they have fast shipping and their customer service is amazing. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about Pastels in general. I look forward to some suggestions on the next product to review. 

Happy Creating!
